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Monument Announce RC Assay Results from Federal City Drilling within the Murchison Gold Property

January 19, 2015

Best Intercept of 11m @ 14.74g/t Au from 8m in extensional drilling, includes 1m @ 103g/t

Vancouver, B.C. Monument Mining Limited (TSX-V: MMY and FSE: D7Q1) (“Monument” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the third round of drilling results from the resource drilling programme at the Murchison Gold Project in Western Australia, through its wholly owned Australian subsidiary, Monument Murchison Pty Ltd. The Murchison Gold Property is 100% owned by Monument Mining Limited and consists of the historical Burnakura, Gabanintha and Tuckanarra projects. Figure 1 (Appendix 1) shows a Location Plan for the Project.

CEO, Robert Baldock, said: “Exploration and progress towards a preliminary economic assessment has continued at the Burnakura Project to the end of December 2014, with a total of 13,123m of RC Drilling carried out at Burnakura Project containing historical resources including Alliance, New Alliance; and a further 4,676m of exploration drilling at the Federal City. The drilling has comprised infill drilling to further define the historical resources, extensional drilling to test strike and width extensions, and exploration drilling to target new prospects. The initial preliminary economic assessment is targeting completion by March 2015, and final study is expecting to be completed by June 2015, comprised of metallurgical testwork, mining engineering, environmental studies and permitting, aiming to bring the Murchison into production as soon as is economically viable.” 

Highlights of the Drill Results

To date, a total of 151 RC holes have been completed for a total of 13,123m at Alliance/New Alliance. Results for the first 102 holes drilled are available in the Company Release of 18 November, 2014. The remaining 49 holes totalling 3777 m, drilled in the second round of drilling at Alliance/New Alliance, has results pending. At Federal City, a total of 74 holes for 4,676m has been completed, including a further follow up programme of 11 holes for 618m, with results now available.

The drilling programme at Federal City was completed in two phases; 63 holes within the first round, and a further 11 holes in the second round to attempt to test the high grade intercepts down dip and along strike. Table 1 in Appendix 2 shows a breakdown of fire assay results completed by SGS Australia for intervals of mineralisation greater than 0.5g/t Au along with collar information for the drill holes. High grade intercepts are highlighted in orange. Figure 2 shows the distribution of drill holes containing mineralised assay results greater than 0.5g/t Au (Appendix 3) at Federal City. Table 2 in Appendix 4 shows a list of the collar information for all Federal City drill holes.

The majority of the infill and extensional drilling was angled at 60° towards the southwest, and has confirmed the existing mineralised zones and also intersected a number of isolated high grade intervals outside of the currently defined mineralisation. The drill hole orientation was designed to target perpendicular to mineralisation for true thickness, except where vertical holes were drilled – See Table 1. The drill hole intercepts reported in this statement represent the actual sample intervals obtained from drilling. The mineralisation at Federal City can host high grade “nuggetty” gold zones which will require further close spaced drilling to confirm their orientations and extents. 

High grade intercepts were revealed in holes 14MRC112, 14MRC113, 14MRC126, 14MRC139 and 14MRC143 from the Phase 1 drilling. A follow up programme of 11 holes tested four of the five holes. 

Hole 14MRC113 intersected 2m @ 24.6g/t Au from 36m, 30m south-east of an historical intersection of 2m @ 14.1g/t Au from 40m, which is situated approximately 30 metres from the southwest corner of the current pit. The current drilling has confirmed this historical high grade intersection and follow up drilling in holes14MRC185-187 has indicated low grade mineralisation 20m further along strike to the south-east, indicating a newly defined mineralised zone 30m below the lowest zone at Federal City South.

The highest grade intercept shows an interval of 11m @ 14g/t Au including 1m @ 103g/t in drill hole 14MRC143 in Federal City North, however follow up drilling failed to confirm the high grade. Additional drilling on a north-south orientation is planned in this area to test for a narrow cross-cutting sub-vertical east-west structure that may host the mineralisation and which may have been missed using the current drilling orientation.

According to Lisa Wells, Exploration Manager, “these results have shown some impressive high grade intersections in exploration and extensional drill holes at Federal City. High grade zones are outside of the current mineralisation, and could be hosted in sub-vertical cross-cutting E-W structures. The orientation and extent of the high grade zones is unknown at this stage and requires further confirmation drilling. The structure in the area is geologically complex and the Company is now undertaking a PQ diamond drilling programme to twin these high grade holes to assist the interpretation. A further follow up RC programme is also about to commence at Federal City to assist understanding of the orientation of the mineralisation to aid future targeting. “ 

Background And Progress On The Exploration Program

The drilling programme was initiated in May 2014 at the Alliance and New Alliance open pit historical deposits, and has been extended into Federal City at the Burnakura Project. Figure 3 shows the geological map for the Burnakura Tenement area (Appendix 5). The drilling program has been designed to validate the historical resource, increase the grade and geological continuity of the mineralisation through infill drilling and to test for resource extensions and define further exploration targets. This work will contribute to the current scoping study to assess economics of over those areas to provide a commercial outcome within an eighteen month time frame from acquisition. This news release should be read in conjunction with previous news releases dating from May 26, 2014. 

Various studies are currently underway progressing towards a preliminary economic assessment for the Alliance, New Alliance and Federal City resources which include: 

Resource confirmation and study

To date the historical estimates have been under review by independent consultants, Cube Consulting (“Cube”). The complete historical resource drilling digital database has now been checked and validated by Cube for consistency. The data is now being held in a secure SQL database server. Cube has also reviewed the QAQC procedures and quality control data for the first 102 holes completed and considers at this stage that the veracity of the data is appropriate for the purposes of mineral resource estimation. The QAQC analysis for the remainder of the holes is in progress.

All data for the first 176 holes at Alliance, New Alliance and Federal City has now been input into the database. Cube has recently commenced the interpretation on the geological model of Alliance and New Alliance and the mineral resource estimation to include the latest results from the first round of drilling. The geological model will complement the estimation model and be used for potential mine planning purposes. A report of the mineral resource and geological model is pending.

Metallurgical test work and review of the plant engineering design 

Metallurgical testwork on PQ core samples from 6 holes at Alliance/New Alliance is currently underway. The work is testing the material for use with the existing CIL/CIP plant as well as potential for heap leach recovery. Complete results for this are pending and due in the first quarter of 2015.

Reports have been received by Kappes Cassiday Australia and Como Engineers regarding their review of the heap leach pad and available equipment at Burnakura. The Company is in the process of following up on these reports and obtaining high level cost estimates for the building and construction of a heap leach facility were this to become economically feasible. 

A plant recommissioning inspection by Orway Mineral Consultants was carried out in November by a process engineer and an electrical engineer to inspect and test the plant for safety purposes and readiness for recommissioning while the plant remains under Care and Maintenance. No major concerns were apparent and the Company’s maintenance programme is keeping the asset in good order.

The Company is in the process of reviewing process flow sheets for the metallurgical circuit of the CIL/CIP plant at site for the potential commencement of mining when economically viable in the future. High level construction cost proposals are currently being put together by Como Engineers. This focuses on commencing with the CIL/CIP plant to gain initial cash-flow, and then construction of a heap leach facility that links in to the existing circuit in the future.

Environmental study

Environmental permitting by Independent Consultants, Animal Plant Mineral, has been ongoing. Recently a large scale blanket drilling programme has been approved for tenements M51/116, 117, 177, 178 and 252 from the Department of Mines and Petroleum. This will allow 370 holes for each tenement to be drilled, within the 50 x 50 drill grid and enable the company to follow up favourable drilling immediately instead of waiting for approvals. Only holes deemed relevant would be drilled.

Site maintenance and development

Since the acquisition of the asset, Monument has ensured that the plant and fixed assets are being kept in good care and maintenance order with a view to future commissioning. Site operations are fully functional for the needs of exploration with supply chain logistics firmly in place. All safety policies and procedures have been implemented at the Monument site operations, as required by the Department of Mines and Petroleum.

The Company is waiting to receive assay data from the remaining 49 holes at Alliance/New Alliance which was completed on December 19, 2014. 

A review of all data becoming available from the exploration and preliminary study is underway with a view to planning and budgeting for the year.

The scientific and technical information in this press release has been compiled by Lisa Wells (B.Sc App Science, Geology, MAusIMM), and reviewed by Darryl Mapleson (BSc (Hons), FAusIMM) who is a as a Competent Person as defined by JORC guidelines and a Qualified Person for NI43-101 retained by Monument Mining Limited. He has been working in Australia for Monument as an independent consultant.

The above stated development outlook is to the effect that a Scoping Study has not been completed and there is no certainty the proposed operation will be economically viable.

About Monument 
Monument Mining Limited (TSX-V:MMY, FSE:D7Q1) is an established Canadian gold producer that owns and operates the Selinsing Gold Mine in Malaysia. Its experienced management team is committed to growth and is advancing several exploration and development projects including the Mengapur Polymetallic Project, in Pahang State of Malaysia, and the Murchison Gold Projects comprising Burnakura, Gabanintha and Tuckanarra in the Murchison area of Western Australia. The Company employs over 300 people in both regions and is committed to the highest standards of environmental management, social responsibility, and health and safety for its employees and neighboring communities. 

Robert F. Baldock, President and CEO
Monument Mining Limited
Suite 1580 -1100 Melville Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 4A6

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION visit the company web site at www.monumentmining.com or contact: 

Richard Cushing, MMY Vancouver T: +1-604-638-1661 x102 rcushing@monumentmining.com 
Wolfgang Seybold, Axino GmbH T: +49 711-2535-92 40 wolfgang.seybold@axino.com 

“Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.” 

Forward-Looking Statement 

This news release includes statements containing forward-looking information about Monument, its business and future plans (“forward-looking statements”). Forward-looking statements are statements that involve expectations, plans, objectives or future events that are not historical facts and include the Company’s plans with respect to its mineral projects and the timing and results of proposed programs and events referred to in this news release. Generally, forward-looking information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as “plans”, “expects” or “does not expect”, “is expected”, “budget”, “scheduled”, “estimates”, “forecasts”, “intends”, “anticipates” or “does not anticipate”, or “believes”, or variations of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results “may”, “could”, “would”, “might” or “will be taken”, “occur” or “be achieved”. The forward-looking statements in this news release are subject to various risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results or achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. These risks and certain other factors include, without limitation: risks related to general business, economic, competitive, geopolitical and social uncertainties; uncertainties regarding the results of current exploration activities; uncertainties in the progress and timing of development activities; foreign operations risks; other risks inherent in the mining industry and other risks described in the management discussion and analysis of the Company and the technical reports on the Company’s projects, all of which are available under the profile of the Company on SEDAR at www.sedar.com. Material factors and assumptions used to develop forward-looking statements in this news release include: expectations regarding the estimated cash cost per ounce of gold production and the estimated cash flows which may be generated from the operations, general economic factors and other factors that may be beyond the control of Monument; assumptions and expectations regarding the results of exploration on the Company’s projects; assumptions regarding the future price of gold of other minerals; the timing and amount of estimated future production; the expected timing and results of development and exploration activities; costs of future activities; capital and operating expenditures; success of exploration activities; mining or processing issues; exchange rates; and all of the factors and assumptions described in the management discussion and analysis of the Company and the technical reports on the Company’s projects, all of which are available under the profile of the Company on SEDAR at www.sedar.com. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.



Figure 1 - Murchison Gold Project



Table1:  Signficant Drill Intercepts > 0.5g/t
FEDERAL CITY (Grid: GDA94)                  
Hole Name Hole Type Purpose Northing Easting RL Dip Azimuth EOH From To Length Au_ppm
14MRC105 RC Extensional 7005575 643949 480 -60 223 101 41 46 5 1.11
                Includes 42 43 1 3.49
                  50 54 4 0.52
                  56 57 1 1.01
                  64 66 2 1.04
                  81 82 1 0.52
                  85 86 1 0.58
14MRC106 RC Extensional 7005534 643967 480 -60 224 75 34 38 4 0.74
                  54 55 1 0.67
14MRC111 RC Extensional 7005568 643974 480 -60 219 99 60 61 1 0.82
                  86 87 1 0.53
14MRC112 RC Exploration 7005610 643980 480 -61 223 84 50 51 1 4.26
                  54 56 2 23.44
                Includes 54 55 1 44.70
14MRC113 RC Exploration 7005459 643888 481 -89 173 60 32 33 1 0.58
                  36 38 2 24.59
                Includes 36 37 1 48.20
14MRC114 RC Infill 7005497 643859 480 -89 183 40 2 6 4 1.95
14MRC115 RC Infill 7005511 643849 480 -89 102 45 13 14 1 1.33
14MRC117 RC Infill 7005567 643841 479 -59 223 48 6 7 1 2.45
                  24 26 2 1.16
14MRC118 RC Extensional 7005468 643865 481 -90 122 57 11 12 1 0.58
                  32 33 1 0.86
                  36 37 1 0.80
14MRC119 RC Extensional 7005461 643861 481 -60 222 69 20 21 1 0.64
14MRC120 RC Extensional 7005595 643813 479 -60 223 30 28 29 1 1.27
14MRC121 RC Extensional 7005601 643919 480 -60 221 68 25 26 1 0.96
                  42 43 1 1.26
14MRC122 RC Extensional 7005574 643925 480 -60 221 83 30 31 1 1.12
                  35 36 1 0.52
                  48 49 1 0.63
                  55 57 2 4.75
                  65 66 1 0.83
14MRC124 RC Extensional 7005568 643814 479 -60 220 42 13 14 1 0.72
                  17 18 1 0.83
14MRC125 RC Infill 7005584 643830 479 -59 219 67 11 12 1 0.98
                  14 15 1 0.52
                  41 44 3 1.91
14MRC126 RC Extensional 7005608 643822 478 -60 219 51 23 24 1 1.21
                  35 42 7 3.28
                Includes 38 39 1 21.20
14MRC127 RC Exploration 7005456 643792 481 -60 219 75 57 63 6 1.20
14MRC128 RC Exploration 7005428 643768 481 -60 219 72 39 40 1 1.37
14MRC129 RC Exploration 7005411 643898 482 -60 219 75 49 50 1 0.84
                  57 59 2 1.80
14MRC131 RC Exploration 7005392 643927 482 -60 217 75 23 24 1 1.50
                  32 36 4 0.52
                  38 39 1 0.55
                  42 46 4 0.65
                  65 66 1 0.61
14MRC133 RC Exploration 7005374 643893 482 -61 221 72 35 39 4 0.56
                  49 51 2 1.78
14MRC134 RC Exploration 7005479 643765 480 -59 222 87 30 31 1 0.66
                  78 79 1 1.13
14MRC136 RC Extensional 7005698 643768 479 -59 223 63 30 31 1 0.57
14MRC137 RC Exploration 7005399 643802 480 -60 219 99 26 27 1 1.37
                  38 39 1 0.68
14MRC138 RC Extensional 7005712 643822 480 -59 224 45 18 19 1 1.53
                  27 28 1 0.52
14MRC139 RC Extensional 7005703 643838 480 -60 223 57 16 17 1 1.88
                  22 24 2 6.41
                  46 49 3 5.27
14MRC140 RC Extensional 7005688 643824 480 -58 223 42 11 12 1 0.83
                  14 15 1 0.62
14MRC141 RC Infill 7005751 643784 480 -59 223 39 5 7 2 1.13
14MRC143 RC Extensional 7005679 643751 479 -58 222 47 8 19 11 14.74
                Includes 9 10 1 103.00
                Includes 10 11 1 19.20
                Includes 11 12 1 21.60
                  22 28 6 0.62
14MRC144 RC Infill 7005706 643800 480 -62 226 54 15 17 2 1.02
                  44 47 3 0.51
14MRC145 RC Infill 7005744 643822 481 -59 220 54 13 17 4 1.71
14MRC146 RC Infill 7005757 643798 481 -60 220 54 11 14 3 0.76
                  20 21 1 0.58
14MRC148 RC Extensional 7005781 643784 481 -59 223 62 16 18 2 2.37
                  41 43 2 1.79
14MRC149 RC Extensional 7005731 643843 481 -59 222 53 25 26 1 0.66
14MRC153 RC Extensional 7005606 643853 480 -89 172 72 38 39 1 0.75
                  49 52 3 0.66
                  58 59 1 0.51
                  69 70 1 1.12
14MRC155 RC Extensional 7005796 643820 481 -59 222 77 60 61 1 0.72
14MRC156 RC Extensional 7005601 643890 480 -60 220 81 6 8 2 0.89
14MRC157 RC Extensional 7005610 643875 479 -60 221 80 67 68 1 0.58
14MRC158 RC Exploration 7005393 643815 482 -60 217 65 62 64 2 0.67
14MRC161 RC Extensional 7005785 643863 481 -60 217 91 0 7 7 0.68
                  81 82 1 1.42
14MRC163 RC Exploration 7005354 643750 481 -59 222 99 62 63 1 0.59
                  78 81 3 1.35
14MRC164 RC Extensional 7005792 643843 481 -59 222 89 69 70 1 0.72
                  80 81 1 0.67
14MRC165 RC Extensional 7005778 643846 481 -59 224 92 43 44 1 1.23
                  73 77 4 4.75
                Includes 73 74 1 14.10
14MRC183 RC Exploration 7005615 643959 481 -59 221 99 58 63 5 1.53
                  69 72 3 2.73
                  80 81 1 0.67
                  87 90 3 0.61
14MRC184 RC Exploration 7005595 643996 481 -59 223 99 70 71 1 0.76
                  75 82 7 2.07
                  92 93 1 0.84
14MRC186 RC Exploration 7005444 643875 481 -89 294 60 27 28 1 0.84
14MRC187 RC Exploration 7005449 643905 481 -89 292 60 12 13 1 1.50
                  33 34 1 1.57
14MRC188 RC Extensional 7005618 643830 481 -70 219 60 16 17 1 1.40
14MRC189 RC Extensional 7005622 643808 481 -60 222 51 18 19 1 0.70
14MRC190 RC Extensional 7005669 643744 481 -60 40 24 15 16 1 0.72


Selection Parameters  
Top Cut 99999999
Bottom Cut 0.5
Maximum Internal Dilution 2
Minimum Interval Length 1
Individual Reportable Assays 1


  Significant Intercept


Extensional Testing Further Extensions of Mineralisaion
Exploration Testing Previously Untested Areas not Related to Current Mineralisation
Infill Drilling Between Previously Drilled Historic Holes
Metallurgical Drilled for Metallurgical Testwork Samples and as Verification Holes
Step Out Drilling Outwards from Current Mineralised Drillhole
Twin Redrill of Pre-existing Drillhole to Confirm Results



Figure 2: Drillhole Location Plan for Assays Greater than 0.5g/t



Table 2 - Collar Information for First Campaign of RC and Diamond Drilling at Alliance/New Alliance


Purpose Hole_ID Start Date End Date Drilled Depth (m)   Drilled  North  (GDA94) Drilled East  (GDA94) Dip   (deg) Azi (Mag)
Infill 14MRC103 10/09/14 10/09/14 39 7005464 643938 -60 218.5
Infill 14MRC104 10/09/14 10/09/14 45 7005456 643955 -60 218.5
Ext 14MRC105 10/09/14 10/09/14 101 7005575 643949 -60 218.5
Ext 14MRC106 11/09/14 11/09/14 75 7005536 643969 -60 218.5
Ext 14MRC107 11/09/14 11/09/14 87 7005522 643983 -60 218.5
Ext 14MRC108 13/09/14 13/09/14 63 7005432 643966 -60 218.5
Ext 14MRC109 22/09/14 22/09/14 63 7005470 643998 -60 218.5
Ext 14MRC110 22/09/14 22/09/14 63 7005454 643984 -60 218.5
Ext 14MRC111 20/09/14 20/09/14 99 7005568 643973 -60 218.5
Exp 14MRC112 15/09/14 15/09/14 84 7005612 643982 -60 218.5
Exp 14MRC113 22/09/14 22/09/14 60 7005461 643888 -90 0.0
Infill 14MRC114 13/09/14 13/09/14 40 7005497 643860 -90 0.0
Infill 14MRC115 13/09/14 13/09/14 45 7005512 643849 -90 0.0
Infill 14MRC116 14/09/14 14/09/14 47 7005518 643844 -60 218.5
Infill 14MRC117 14/09/14 14/09/14 48 7005570 643842 -60 218.5
Ext 14MRC118 28/09/14 28/09/14 57 7005468 643865 -90 0.0
Ext 14MRC119 2/10/14 3/10/14 69 7005462 643862 -60 216.5
Ext 14MRC120 1/10/14 1/10/14 30 7005595 643815 -60 216.5
Ext 14MRC121 1/10/14 1/10/14 68 7005602 643919 -60 216.5
Ext 14MRC122 1/10/14 2/10/14 83 7005574 643924 -60 216.5
Infill 14MRC123 29/09/14 29/09/14 51 7005506 643856 -60 218.5
Ext 14MRC124 2/10/14 2/10/14 42 7005569 643815 -60 216.5
Infill 14MRC125 2/10/14 2/10/14 67 7005583 643830 -60 218.5
Ext 14MRC126 3/10/14 3/10/14 51 7005608 643823 -60 216.5
Exp 14MRC127 3/10/14 4/10/14 75 7005458 643793 -60 216.5
Exp 14MRC128 4/10/14 4/10/14 72 7005429 643770 -60 215.0
Exp 14MRC129 5/10/14 5/10/14 75 7005413 643899 -60 216.5
Exp 14MRC130 5/10/14 5/10/14 63 7005398 643861 -60 216.5
Ext 14MRC131 5/10/14 6/10/14 75 7005394 643929 -60 216.5
Exp 14MRC132 25/10/14 25/10/14 69 7005383 643876 -60 218.5
Exp 14MRC133 25/10/14 25/10/14 72 7005374 643895 -60 218.5
Exp 14MRC134 25/10/14 26/10/14 87 7005479 643766 -60 218.5
Infill 14MRC135 11/10/14 11/10/14 39 7005677 643814 -90 0.0
Ext 14MRC136 18/10/14 18/10/14 63 7005697 643767 -60 218.5
Exp 14MRC137 31/10/14 31/10/14 99 7005399 643802 -60 214.0
Ext 14MRC138 11/10/14 11/10/14 45 7005709 643822 -60 218.5
Ext 14MRC139 17/10/14 18/10/14 50 7005704 643836 -60 218.5
Ext 14MRC140 12/10/14 12/10/14 42 7005688 643824 -60 218.5
Infill 14MRC141 12/10/14 12/10/14 39 7005751 643784 -60 218.5
Infill 14MRC142 13/10/14 13/10/14 42 7005732 643795 -60 218.5
Ext 14MRC143 13/10/14 13/10/14 47 7005680 643752 -60 218.5
Infill 14MRC144 13/10/14 13/10/14 49 7005705 643801 -60 218.5
Infill 14MRC145 16/10/14 16/10/14 54 7005743 643821 -60 218.5
Infill 14MRC146 17/10/14 17/10/14 54 7005756 643800 -60 218.5
Infill 14MRC147 17/10/14 17/10/14 57 7005718 643809 -60 218.5
Ext 14MRC148 18/10/14 18/10/14 62 7005781 643782 -60 218.5
Ext 14MRC149 18/10/14 18/10/14 53 7005731 643843 -60 218.5
Ext 14MRC150 19/10/14 19/10/14 67 7005788 643721 -60 0.0
Ext 14MRC151 22/10/14 22/10/14 67 7005811 643740 -60 218.5
Ext 14MRC152 19/10/14 20/10/14 70 7005775 643818 -60 218.5
Ext 14MRC153 20/10/14 20/10/14 72 7005606 643853 -90 360.0
Ext 14MRC154 20/10/14 20/10/14 72 7005599 643846 -60 218.5
Ext 14MRC155 22/10/14 23/10/14 77 7005796 643820 -60 218.5
Ext 14MRC156 23/10/14 23/10/14 81 7005600 643888 -60 218.5
Ext 14MRC157 23/10/14 24/10/14 80 7005609 643876 -60 218.5
Exp 14MRC158 26/10/14 26/10/14 65 7005392 643815 -60 216.5
Exp 14MRC159 26/10/14 26/10/14 5 7005405 643804 -60 216.5
Ext 14MRC160 26/10/14 27/10/14 87 7005642 643851 -60 218.5
Ext 14MRC161 29/10/14 29/10/14 91 7005784 643864 -60 218.0
Exp 14MRC162 27/10/14 27/10/14 84 7005365 643796 -60 218.5
Exp 14MRC163 31/10/14 31/10/14 99 7005356 643754 -60 218.0
Ext 14MRC164 30/10/14 30/10/14 89 7005793 643844 -60 218.5
Ext 14MRC165 29/10/14 30/10/14 92 7005777 643847 -60 219.0
Exp 14MRC183 16/11/14 16/11/14 99 7005615 643959 -60 218.5
Exp 14MRC184 16/11/14 29/11/14 99 7005595 643996 -60 218.5
Exp 14MRC185 29/11/14 29/11/14 75 7005457 643888 -70 38.5
Exp 14MRC186 30/11/14 30/11/14 60 7005444 643875 -90 360.0
Exp 14MRC187 30/11/14 30/11/14 60 7005449 643905 -90 360.0
Ext 14MRC188 30/11/14 30/11/14 60 7005618 643830 -70 218.5
Ext 14MRC189 30/11/14 30/11/14 51 7005622 643808 -60 218.0
Ext 14MRC190 1/12/14 1/12/14 24 7005669 643744 -60 38.5
Ext 14MRC191 1/12/14 1/12/14 30 7005670 643742 -60 218.5
Ext 14MRC192 1/12/14 1/12/14 30 7005685 643741 -60 219.0
Ext 14MRC193 1/12/14 1/12/14 30 7005675 643757 -60 218.5

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